
Active learning for video (Iteration)

Put your money where your mouth is and build out this prototype. This will be a YouTube video annotator. You watch a longer YouTube clip, you want to index it, get the meat out of it, so you can re-watch it yourself, or share a set of clips seamlessly to a friend.

How to download videos from Yuketang

I don’t like the Yuketang interface. There’s many advantages to watching lectures playback. I like to watch video on VLC, where I can take notes and index parts of it. I got interested in this.

Active learning for lectures and podcasts

Something I’ve been thinking a little about is how to learn more effectively. My main philosophy around this is DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). My friend David introduced me to LiquidText, an extremely useful iPad app for indexing and closely analyzing documents.